The interesting thing about graduation season, unlike other seasons of the year such as the holiday season or allergy season, is that passes by unnoticed by most of the population. Unless of course, you have a student graduating. Then, it becomes a date on the calendar that all other plans revolve around. I found myself thinking in terms of tasks that I wanted to take care of as B.G. (Before Graduation) or A.G. (After Graduation). JenniferHappy2-72

Shivering through Jennifer Lynn’s graduation from Montgomery High on Friday night marked the end of a very significant graduation season for us. Hers was the third graduation for our family in as many weeks. Earlier in the month, Ethan graduated from the Defense Language Institute, then we went to Valerie’s college graduation in Southern California, and lastly Jennifer’s. One graduation is pretty big deal; did I feel special because we had three? You betcha.

Now, I’m suffering from a little bit of post-graduation let down. I’m looking at her red cap and gown in a heap on the floor of her room and it reminds me of the way I feel about the Christmas tree the day after Christmas. What looked so festive on December 25th looks so sad and droopy on December 26th.

But as I’m thinking about indulging myself and wallowing in this pit of depression, I’m also thinking about the photos that Steve took of the kids after each of their graduation ceremonies. Smiling, downright radiant, celebrating overcoming the challenges and energized by the promise of the future.

That is the look of hope. I’m going to embrace it.


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