Sometimes when you’re in the thick of an event, your brain is so consumed with the tasks at hand, that it is only after the dust has settled and life has returned to a predictable routine that you can assess what just happened and begin to get some imagejpeg_0perspective.

Was the event a success? Was it memorable, did people have a good time? And when you look at the photos, what feelings do they evoke? Does your stomach knot up remembering the stress or does a sense of joy flood over you?

Unequivocal pride, love and happiness. That’s what I feel every time I look at the photos from our daughter Valerie’s wedding last week. Ever since the photographer sent the link to the 300 photos, I find myself pulling them up on my phone. Looking at Valerie and Devin and the love that comes through in all their photos must release the same cocktail of happy brain chemicals as drugs. Addicted to viewing wedding day bliss? There are worse things in life to be hooked on.

What makes it all the sweeter is that their wedding was such a reflection of who they are. Creative, unpretentious and best friends. The important part wasn’t planning a big production with a dress and veil that cost thousands of dollars , trumpeted fanfare and imposing church setting. Their wedding was on a Thursday afternoon; I did Valerie’s hair, she made her bouquet from Trader Joe flowers and her dress was off t13975473_10209351942508907_7002913584144290811_ohe rack at Anthropologie.  Their priority was making sure that everyone who is important in their lives could be there to celebrate their life-long commitment to love, cherish and respect one another.

And Valerie and Devin are far too practical to want to have a “Say Yes to the Dress” kind of wedding. At their reception, tacos were served on paper plates and doughnuts substituted for a wedding cake. Would the champagne toasts have been any more heartfelt in crystal flutes than plastic cups from Big Lots? No w13934961_10209351878747313_2680349550247998370_nay.


Cheers to the new couple! We love you…and I can feel the endorphins now.

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